The ability to compare the semantic similarity between text corpora is important in a variety of natural language processing applications. However, standard methods for evaluating these metrics have yet to be established. We propose a set of automatic and interpretable measures for assessing the characteristics of corpus-level semantic similarity metrics, allowing sensible comparison of their behavior. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our evaluation measures in capturing fundamental characteristics by evaluating them on a collection of classical and state-of-the-art metrics. Our measures revealed that recently-developed metrics are becoming better in identifying semantic distributional mismatch while classical metrics are more sensitive to perturbations in the surface text levels.
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考虑一个结构化的特征数据集,例如$ \ {\ textrm {sex},\ textrm {compy},\ textrm {race},\ textrm {shore} \} $。用户可能希望在特征空间观测中集中在哪里,并且它稀疏或空的位置。大稀疏或空区域的存在可以提供软或硬特征约束的域知识(例如,典型的收入范围是什么,或者在几年的工作经验中可能不太可能拥有高收入)。此外,这些可以建议用户对稀疏或空区域中的数据输入的机器学习(ML)模型预测可能是不可靠的。可解释的区域是一个超矩形,例如$ \ {\ textrm {rame} \ in \ {\ textrm {black},\ textrm {white} \} \} \} \&$ $ \ {10 \ leq \ :\ textrm {体验} \:\ leq 13 \} $,包含满足约束的所有观察;通常,这些区域由少量特征定义。我们的方法构造了在数据集中观察到的特征空间的基于观察密度的分区。它与其他人具有许多优点,因为它适用于原始域中的混合类型(数字或分类)的特征,也可以分开空区域。从可视化可以看出,所产生的分区符合人眼可能识别的空间分组;因此,结果应延伸到更高的尺寸。我们还向其他数据分析任务展示了一些应用程序,例如推断M1模型误差,测量高尺寸密度可变性以及治疗效果的因果推理。通过分区区域的超矩形形式可以实现许多这些应用。
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训练有素的ML模型被部署在另一个“测试”数据集上,其中目标特征值(标签)未知。漂移是培训数据和部署数据之间的分配变化,这是关于模型性能是否改变的。例如,对于猫/狗图像分类器,部署过程中的漂移可能是兔子图像(新类)或具有变化特征(分布变化)的猫/狗图像。我们希望检测这些更改,但没有部署数据标签,无法衡量准确性。相反,我们通过非参数测试模型预测置信度变化的分布间接检测到漂移。这概括了我们的方法,并回避特定于域特异性特征表示。我们使用变更点模型(CPMS;参见Adams and Ross 2012)解决了重要的统计问题,尤其是在顺序测试中类型1误差控制。我们还使用非参数异常方法来显示用户可疑观察结果以进行模型诊断,因为更改置信度分布显着重叠。在证明鲁棒性的实验中,我们在MNIST数字类别的子集上进行训练,然后在各种设置中的部署数据中插入漂移(例如,看不见的数字类)(漂移比例的逐渐/突然变化)。引入了新的损耗函数,以比较不同水平的漂移类污染的漂移检测器的性能(检测延迟,1型和2个误差)。
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Vision transformers (ViTs) are quickly becoming the de-facto architecture for computer vision, yet we understand very little about why they work and what they learn. While existing studies visually analyze the mechanisms of convolutional neural networks, an analogous exploration of ViTs remains challenging. In this paper, we first address the obstacles to performing visualizations on ViTs. Assisted by these solutions, we observe that neurons in ViTs trained with language model supervision (e.g., CLIP) are activated by semantic concepts rather than visual features. We also explore the underlying differences between ViTs and CNNs, and we find that transformers detect image background features, just like their convolutional counterparts, but their predictions depend far less on high-frequency information. On the other hand, both architecture types behave similarly in the way features progress from abstract patterns in early layers to concrete objects in late layers. In addition, we show that ViTs maintain spatial information in all layers except the final layer. In contrast to previous works, we show that the last layer most likely discards the spatial information and behaves as a learned global pooling operation. Finally, we conduct large-scale visualizations on a wide range of ViT variants, including DeiT, CoaT, ConViT, PiT, Swin, and Twin, to validate the effectiveness of our method.
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Purpose: Trans-oral robotic surgery (TORS) using the da Vinci surgical robot is a new minimally-invasive surgery method to treat oropharyngeal tumors, but it is a challenging operation. Augmented reality (AR) based on intra-operative ultrasound (US) has the potential to enhance the visualization of the anatomy and cancerous tumors to provide additional tools for decision-making in surgery. Methods: We propose and carry out preliminary evaluations of a US-guided AR system for TORS, with the transducer placed on the neck for a transcervical view. Firstly, we perform a novel MRI-transcervical 3D US registration study. Secondly, we develop a US-robot calibration method with an optical tracker and an AR system to display the anatomy mesh model in the real-time endoscope images inside the surgeon console. Results: Our AR system reaches a mean projection error of 26.81 and 27.85 pixels for the projection from the US to stereo cameras in a water bath experiment. The average target registration error for MRI to 3D US is 8.90 mm for the 3D US transducer and 5.85 mm for freehand 3D US, and the average distance between the vessel centerlines is 2.32 mm. Conclusion: We demonstrate the first proof-of-concept transcervical US-guided AR system for TORS and the feasibility of trans-cervical 3D US-MRI registration. Our results show that trans-cervical 3D US is a promising technique for TORS image guidance.
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The task of topical segmentation is well studied, but previous work has mostly addressed it in the context of structured, well-defined segments, such as segmentation into paragraphs, chapters, or segmenting text that originated from multiple sources. We tackle the task of segmenting running (spoken) narratives, which poses hitherto unaddressed challenges. As a test case, we address Holocaust survivor testimonies, given in English. Other than the importance of studying these testimonies for Holocaust research, we argue that they provide an interesting test case for topical segmentation, due to their unstructured surface level, relative abundance (tens of thousands of such testimonies were collected), and the relatively confined domain that they cover. We hypothesize that boundary points between segments correspond to low mutual information between the sentences proceeding and following the boundary. Based on this hypothesis, we explore a range of algorithmic approaches to the task, building on previous work on segmentation that uses generative Bayesian modeling and state-of-the-art neural machinery. Compared to manually annotated references, we find that the developed approaches show considerable improvements over previous work.
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标准扩散模型涉及图像变换 - 添加高斯噪声 - 以及逆转此降解的图像恢复操作员。我们观察到,扩散模型的生成行为并不是很大程度上取决于图像降解的选择,实际上,可以通过改变这种选择来构建整个生成模型家族。即使使用完全确定性的降解(例如,模糊,掩蔽等),培训和测试时间更新规则是基于扩散模型的培训和测试时间更新规则,可以轻松地概括为创建生成模型。这些完全确定的模型的成功使社区对扩散模型的理解质疑,这依赖于梯度Langevin动力学或变异推理中的噪声,并为反转任意过程的广义扩散模型铺平了道路。我们的代码可从获得
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云数据中心的数字和大小都在成倍增长。这种增加导致网络活动激增,可以更好地避免交通拥堵。最终的挑战是两个方面:(i)设计算法,可以对给定数据中心的复杂流量模式进行定制;但是,与此同时(ii)在低级硬件上运行,具有有效拥塞控制(CC)所需的低潜伏期。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个基于强化学习(RL)的CC解决方案,该解决方案从某些交通情况中学习并成功地将其推广到他人。然后,我们将RL神经网络政策提炼成二进制决策树,以实现与RDMA实时推断所需的$ \ mu $ sec决策延迟。我们在真实网络中部署了NVIDIA NIC的蒸馏政策,并展示了最先进的性能,同时平衡所有测试的指标:带宽,延迟,公平和数据包下降。
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